Just a little info about me...
My name is Devin, and yes I am a girl! That's why I like to go by Devin-Marie here on
the wonderful world of the internet :)
I am 26 years old and live in Fort Madison, Iowa.
I am married with a tribe of kids! 12 year old stepson, 6 year old son, 4
year old twins, and a 2 year old daughter.. hence, maybe now you know how I came up with my "nursery" name Midwest
Miracles. Each doll that I complete is a true MIRACLE being as busy as I am!
I came across the art of reborning by accident in September of 2004. I was searching
on eBay for a real looking doll for my daugthers birthday, and discovered "reborns". I wanted to buy one, but seen that
I couldn't really afford it, so I thought I would give it a try on my own. I have been making them ever since!
I have shipped dolls to many countries including Canada, Italy, Australia, United Kingdom,
France, and many more.
I have a few of my dolls featured on amazon.com to share with potential buyers of Berenguer